One of my favourite meals to date that I have prepared all by myself is a dish called “bacon-feta-noodle-bake”. This may seem very loaded with really bad things for your health but it tastes really good, trust me!! Moving on, this meal happened while I was preparing dinner and felt in the mood to experiment.
The ingredients need to create a mouth-watering meal are (the quantities may vary as to the amount of people you serving), I just go with my gut feeling:
· Fatti’s and Moni’s noodles
· Danish feta (cut into little cubes)
· Chopped bacon (available chopped or you can do it yourself)
· Grated gouda cheese
· For the white-sauce
o Butter
o Cake flour
o Milk
This is how the master-piece was created:
· Firstly, prepare noodles according to packet instructions and place noodles in a deep baking bowl
· Fry the bacon in a well buttered(adds flavour to the bacon) pan and add it to the deep baking bowl
· Add the cubes of feta to the baking bowl
· Mix contents of the bowl to evenly distribute everything in it
· Pre-heat your oven for 15min at 180 degrees
· To prepare the white sauce:
o On medium heat melt butter to a pan and completely melt it
o Add cake flour to melted butter, little by little until a saucy paste is formed
o Add milk little by little to form a less paste-like sauce (meaning a proper sauce)
Noodle-bake |
o Add aromat or a pince of salt for flavour
o Once the your gut tells you the sauce is ready, pour sauce over all the contents in the deep baking bowl
· Once all your ingredients are in the deep baking bowl, distribute the grated cheese over the top of the bowl
· Put the bowl into the oven and leave until the layer of cheese is crispy-brown (about 15min depending on your oven)
And the ladies and gentle-men is how I created the “bacon-feta-noodle-bake”.