It was a sunny Sunday when my housemate Ozy had asked me if I was home, I immediately thought something may be wrong. In the meantime I was having lunch with Dawn at the Spur in the Waterfront. I then told Ozy I was on the way home and he said he has a surprise (I thought it may be his way of saying he bought booze).
Like any other females that come across a cute puppy Dawn and I both said awwww. . .we could not stop holding her and petting her, we even starting timing each of us holding her. She was so adorable and we spoilt her like a human baby.
It was unfortunate however that in the same week she graced us with her presence, Dawn and I had to leave to Namibia on our holiday. It was sad when we returned though as Ozy had sold her to someone else because he had no time to take care of puppy. She was gone. . .she was the closest thing to my own puppy I ever had.