Dear Dad,
My dad, me and my mom |
I am doing well here in Cape Town, although I have to admit that I miss you and the rest of the family back in Swakop. It has been more than a month ago since I last saw you and the little ones. I hope you are all doing well.
I am writing this letter to try and let you know how thankful I am that you have made me apart of your family about 13 years ago. I would not have wanted anyone else to be my dad. As any other dad would, you have taught me a lot of things (mostly what a dad would teach his son, but I enjoyed it). You taught me how to swim, how to set the channels on the tv manually, how to change a bulb, how to clean the pool, how to change a wheel and I have even learnt a few cooking tips.
Although we have not spent a lot of time together like any other family, I appreciated every moment we had spent together. Every time you visit me in Cape Town and then leave again, I get sad. Not only have you been a great dad to me, your also an inspiration to me (I may have never mentioned this but its true).
This letter is not just to say thank you, but I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise for anything that I may have done to disappoint you. Whether I misbehaved, been disrespectful and even if I just did not listened to you. I have grown since then, and learnt right from wrong. I also know that whoever I end up with one day and whatever I end up doing, you will support any of my decisions and still remain proud of me.
Dad, I appreciate everything you have done for me over the past few years and I have to confess that with everyday that goes by, I miss you more and more. You are the greatest man I have ever met!!
Your daughter,