Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who is that

This is a very well-known phrase all over the world, and this is officially featuring in my blog J. When we find ourselves saying ‘who is that’, we usually want to find out more about that specific person. Today I have had to ask myself that question, and the answer could only be answered by me (obviously).

Who is that? That is a young-hearted woman, a 22 year old Namibian who wants to be South African, she is a Btech Public Relations Management student at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and she loves sports, very basic as she is still trying to find that out for herself.

I am the best, I am perfect, and come to think of it the world revolves around me, yes me. With confidence I can say that is exactly who I am not. Firstly, I believe there is no such thing as being the best (you can only be great at doing something) and secondly I know that no-one is prefect (we all have flaws) and thirdly the world revolves around no-one but an axis (that we can’t see) on a daily basis.

Who is that? That is a hard worker, who works well under pressure with taking interest and pride in her work, with a personality to match. That is a loyal team player, passionate about sport of which soccer and inline-hockey are one of her favourites.  That young woman is cheerful, lovable and considers herself as the ‘speak when spoken to’ kind of person.

I believe in basking in the efforts of trying, because there is no such thing as I cannot do it. I firmly believe in work before play, because ‘we reap the seeds we sow’. I believe in doing what we love, as that’s when we do it with meaning. I am afraid of being alone, of failure and although the ones I love will love me for who I am, I’m afraid of disappointing them.

Who is that? That is a young Namibian woman would like to be seen as a smart  goal-driven independent woman, who is a successful public relations practitioner for sports teams or even sports brands. That is someone who does not want to stop learning from inspiring people the world of sports and in the field of PR.

That is who I am.


  1. I think its great, its carried the message of introduction across, however, i think as a young student, we commonly look at the content and not the flow of the Blog. The statement, then the reason, then the conclusion. Still i think its great. The more you write, the better it becomes.
    Feizel Matthews. looking forward to the next 100 blogs

  2. I can say that I am glad we have met. You are true to yourself and I wish you all the best with your future endeavors. Go rock the sports world;-)

  3. I love this...especially the opening statement, it caught my attention. I think your writing style has lots of character. If this was a sports ad for running shoes or soccer boots i would definitely want a pair of those because then i can say This Is Me... You will make a great PR.

    Andrea Morley

  4. Hey Dhonaye,

    This is very cool - I love how dramatic you are with your words. I see that the three readers before me agree and enjoyed it too.

    Well done.

  5. Awesome blog!!
    Most people are there worst critic and you've opened up and express who you are(very brave), it is evident that with the passion and conviction you use to describe yourself, you will become a awesome sports PR and reach beyond the goals you've set out...
    Excited to read your next blog!!! :)

  6. Farzaanah VollenhovenApril 6, 2011 at 9:08 AM

    I like it...I like it alot!

    I've only just met you and never really knew much bout you, but I feel quite informed now.lol.And from what I have learnt about the kind of person you are thus far, it does totally match what you've written here.You're going to be an awesome blogger person!Well done!

  7. A certain fragility and tenderness comes across in your chosen picture and expressions, yet the steely determination that underlies it all is also clear.

    Creates an honest-sounding picture - something that will be invaluable in your future PR career.

    May you continue learning as you grow!

  8. Thank you to everyone who has commented. Your comments will be used constructively to improve my writing, and my overall blog. I'll be looking forward to your future visits to my blog and the helpful comments. :)

  9. Awesome blog D! Very honest. Love the pic by the way, what an adorable little person u were :-)

  10. Hey love. I've only known you for a short while and we've spoken once or twice at lengthy periods.
    Firstly, that baby picture is so adorable man!:)
    Secondly, I felt that you opened up so much in this post and I liked that.
    Thirdly, just by reading this, YOU are a total FREE spirit and very intelligent (your parents are probably very proud).
    Fourthly, you come across as easy to get along with and a very fascinating individual.
    And lastly, don't you change for one-one!:)

  11. Hey D! Really enjoyed reading this blog. Could really feel ur passion and honesty ~ my favourite blog of yours thus far. You are a very special person! Never change. Adorable pic! :)

  12. I agree with Amy - your best blog! love learning more about people :)You painted a very clear picture of who you are:)
